Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year!! It's the first day back at work since the holiday and it feels like I've been gone much longer than 4 days.

Now, I am not one to make New Year's resolutions because let's face it 1. No one ever follows through with them for the entire year and if you say you do, you're lying and 2. You shouldn't need the start of a new year to eat healthier or stop cursing or to start a family. But here I go, I'm giving in to the trends and making some resolutions. I will try to stick with them as long as I can but I am not promising anything!

2012 Resolutions

1. Lose weight (just like the other 4 billion people in the world because 3 billion of you are already skinny bitches)
2. Grow my business
3. Stop spending money on useless things and save money for more important things in my future: house, car, wedding, family
4. Do something different every month. It can be as simple as baking a pie or as dedicated as learning how to play golf. As long as I try new things, I will be happy. This is the only resolution I really hope I keep.
5. Make more of an effort to organize events with friends. Whether it be monthly dinners, birthday parties or a night out to the movies.

Have you made any resolutions you hope to keep?

With love and pearls,

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