So I picked up this book called The Happiness Project. The insert read something like..."I am not particularly not happy but I'm not the happiest I could be. I have a husband and child, am a writer and live in NYC but I feel as though I am not appreciating life as I should be...blah blah blah." I said this is perfect a woman's journey to find happiness when she already has it, I must read this book and see what more she finds out. Then as I started reading, I thought to myself, wait there are definitely a number of things I want to change in my life but when I think of them all it seems overwhelming and so you always put it on the back burner for a rainy day, yet the rainy day never seems to come. And it clicked, this chick is simply taking something we all want to do, which is better ourselves and progress to some type of growth through out our daily lives and has simplified the shit out of it. She has picked 12 things to change or alter or better about herself or something she wants to learn and dedicates a whole month to that one thing in hopes that it will carry on. Research has shown that it takes 30 days to break or form a new habit and so this project seems completely doable and worth trying. And at what better time then start of a new year. I have tried to narrow it down into 12 is what I have so far and in no particular order of importance...
1.) Cook more
2.) Write
3.) Health
Drink more water
Decrease Alcohol
Poop regularly
4.) Meet new people
5.) Money
Work out Debt
Launch Double Aces Event Planning
6.) Learn French
7.) Learn piano
8.) Simplify life
Connect with nature
Hike more
Walk more
9.) Bond with my son Colin
10.) Be a better girlfriend
11.) Become more cultured, worldly
Current events
12.) Learn Photography
So here I go...on my journey to a happier more balanced me.
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