Tuesday, March 20, 2012

todays men

I got in a huge fight this weekend with my boyfriend about drinking too much and hanging out with his friends all the time.  And it came after I read an article about why guys never grow up. Now before I continue, let me say I am an advocate for getting drunk and partying, so I knew it was something more.  So I got upset because I just wasn't feeling it, doing the same thing we always tend to do.  I wanted to lay low and chill, but oops I picked a hell of a day to feel like this, St. Pattys Day. My issue though was that he didnt pick up on my quietness and decided not to approach me because God forbid I ruin the day dedicated to drinking.  Anyway we talked it out, voiced our opinions on the matter and I hope worked it out to be more intune with each other's aka my feelings and being more proactive about keeping each other happy.  But the article and this fight truly got me thinking about todays men, no I'm sorry, our generation of losers.  Why are they so into themselves? What has changed that has made all the romance in a relationship go away? It used to be that a man found a girl that he wanted to make his wife and then did what ever he needed to do to provide for her and his family.  Now a days it goes like this.....a man goes to college because that is what he is told to do, picks a stupid major that he will eventually change in order to stay in college longer and mooch off his parents until he is 35, graduate, move back home bc he can't find a job that he "likes" because God forbid he pick a job to make a steady income or bust his ass to the top, no no, these boys are too proud for that, they belive they are owed more than that and will eventually find his dream job and mkae the big bucks because he knows a guy who did ( a guy who is in the 3% of the people who actually got a job doing what he wanted to do) but that seems to be motivation enough to hold off for something bigger and better! Anyway, he then refuses to take girls on "dates" (who dates anymore) because why put on a tie and pay for a meal when you have your mommy to cook for you, a computer filled with endless free porn sites and a right hand to pleasure yourself?  So instead of trying to find a wife and start a family and grow up, the typical male develops bromances for companionship, someone who understands his needs of male bonding time, Playstation, drinking, watching the game, jerking off, random sex and not answering to anyone.  It is time to change.  We need to let this batch of selfish pricks die out.  Why do you think the lesbian rates are so high?!?! A duh! Guys SUCK and adopting African children is the new fad!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Poor Snooki's Baby

I cannot resist any longer! I have to comment about the Snooki being pregnant thing. I will admit, when Jersey Shore first came out I was fist-pumping with the best of them. But now, it's kinda creepy and The Situation is 200 years too old to be hanging out and partying like that. The worst part about this is Snooki's baby stands no chance in society. Nicole, as she now likes to be called, may be growing up and maturing, but the Jersey Shore will live on forever and her child will have to deal with her behavior for the rest of his/her life. We have all made mistakes. I have made plenty...we'll just call them my college years. But my life was not broadcasted on television for millions of people to watch me hook up with some fugly dude and then fall on my face as I was doing the walk of shame (that may or may not have happened). Snooki did all that and more and I'm sure her poor child will never be taken seriously or will have to prove themselves much more than the average person. All in all, I feel bad for this baby and I hope that Snooki and her baby daddy are doing this for the right reasons and not to try and change their images.

But as bad as I feel for the baby, I cannot help but pee myself anytime I read some of these...

With love and pearls,